Cofaco Açores

Case Studies

Automation and Optimization of Customer’s Invoice Approval Flows


Company: Cofaco Açores
Sector: Canning Industry
Country: Portugal


Inefficient invoice approval system, time consuming and susceptible to failures, signed manually by managers, geographically dispersed, in documents/paper.


Infosistema proposed a solution which allowed to automate the invoice approval process. In the 4 places for the reception of mail, invoices have been separated, scanned and immediately entered in iFlow-BPM, following by the physical supports (paper) directly to accounting, eliminating in this way the possibility of loss. In iFlowBPM, all routing rules and types of access control and/or approval levels were defined, according to the general procedures of the QMS in force. The implementation of monitoring and consultation processes completed the system, making it a critical tool for the internal simplification.


Infosistema supported Cofaco in implementing its first BPM with iFlow, having shown to be a reliable partner in this technological area.


João Pinote, IT Manager

Executive Summary

Cofaco is a Portuguese company which produces canned fish. This company is very well known and currently growing and stands in the Portuguese market by offering brands such as Bom Petisco, Tenório, Pitéu and is a leading international supplier of the brands Às do Mar, Bon Appetit and Santamaria.

Cofaco was created in 1961 in the Algarve. At the beginning of the decade, due to the shortage of tuna fish in the Algarve sea, Cofaco fishes in Azores, where the tuna passes in its migration routes. Nowadays, Cofaco is mainly from the Azores and its industrial poles are concentrated in the islands of Pico (Madalena do Pico) and S. Miguel (Rabo de Peixe).

Cofaco’s practice is based on values of Tradition, Quality and Trust.


With a geographically dispersed structure between the Azores and the Mainland, totaling 5 locations, the circulation of the originals of invoices in paper for conference and approval by various managers, prior to its registration by accounting, was a time-consuming and complex process and difficult to control, often causing failures in payment deadlines and even loss of documents.

Main Problems
  • Complex document distribution, time-consuming and prone to human error;
  • Backlog of processes in physical files;
  • Impossibility of determining the state of processes and to question those involved;
  • High costs and long response time due to lack of information organization;
  • Lack of efficient search mechanisms, aggregation of processes, and management information;
  • High costs for circulation of documents;
  • Various locations of those involved in the processes.
  • Central monitoring of processes, allowing you to know at any moment which are in progress, where and in what situation;
  • Increased reliability on cost allocation in the structure;
  • Instant digital delivery of processes among employees, in compliance with the established rules and approval levels;
  • Improved responsiveness and control of deadlines;
  • No lost documents;
  • Cost savings on a number of levels.
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