Infosistema ensure the success of Santander Totta Netbanking

Infosistema was selected by Santanter Totta because of its proved know-how in financial sector, to ensure that the aplications “Netbanking companies”, “Netbanking Personal and Intranet” work properly according the best workflow and evolve according the Banc needs and its customers. The Challenge Over one decade ago, the Bank Santader Totta launched a new communication channel […]

NextStep 2015 – May 26/27

  Infosistema took part at the 2015 year edition of NexStep OutSystems as Gold sponsor during the 26th and 27th of May at MEO Arena (Room Tejo) that received more than 800 guests. This event organized and promoted by OutSystems aims to get together all the partners and clients (national na international) and developer teams […]

EBA launches guidelines for improving security in banks

These guidelines will force European banks to act accordingly until July 2015.   EBA (European Banking Authority), released guidelines (EBA/GL/2014/12) according to the improvement of the security rules about online payments in banking institutions that must be followed by all the European banking institutions to ensure the security in payments online. These guidelines will force […]

Insurance Conference 2015

“Impact of distribution channels and concentrators in the Insurance sector”.     Infosistema and IDC promote on the 15th of April of 2015, the Conference “Insurance 2015: Impact of distribution channels and concentrators in the insurance sector”. The event will take part in the Sana Malhoa Hotel, Lisbon. Referring the challenges and difficulties that have […]

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