Case Studies
Case Studies
Following on from previous projects developed by Infosistema with Outsystems technology, an Insurance Company requested Infosistema to develop a solution that would integrate with the services of a Bank and allow the entire process of selling auto insurance, from simulation to formalization. A simulator that goes until the actual sale, thus allowing the customers to opt for the most convenient and best solution and have it right away.
The objective was to increase the billing of both entities involved, through the integration of a simulator of the Insurer within a banking platform.
With a deep know-how in the Banking and Insurance sector and as an Outsystems partner, Infosistema was not only responsible for developing the end-to-end solution, but also for managing the project itself and interacting with the business and technical teams of both entities.
Infosistema has built an auto insurance simulator – that allows the full process of selling auto insurance, from the simulation, claims views, to the proposal itself, to contracting & payment – to be presented on a page integrated into the Bank intranet and that can be used by the various branches and by their account managers.
In the intranet page, inserted in the various products to be sold to the customer, the account managers have access to a frame with the solution.
The solution prompts the Bank’s services to automatically log in, look into customer data, make payments, etc.
with an integration with the services of the Insurance Company to verify the claims and make the simulation itself.
An external MySQL DB from the Insurer was used with customer data, policies created, simulations, payments made or not, and the application uses an Oracle DB for the data itself.
Based on it’s agile methodology “Business & Software Factory" – where the focus is on the fast delivery of results and the smooth relationship and collaboration between the IT teams and the business – Infosistema secured this project in three months with 3.2 FTE and 10 persons working on the project.
With a small project team, Infosistema delivered this end-to-end project, quickly, in an agile and effective way and with a very high level of competitiveness.
With the support of highly specialized teams, Infosistema works based on the BSF model (Business & Software Factory), which guarantees the agility and flexibility necessary for the best solutions.
BSF’s maximize the quality and controls the cost of developing the platforms and business support solutions within organisations.
To understand, in depth, the intended goals and needs of the business; to assure focus, specialisation and know-how; maximum quality and rigour, all this is guaranteed by Infosistema’s Business & Software
Factories whose work is ensured by multidisciplinary teams that allow a holistic approach to projects.
In this case, within only three months, Infosistema completed the project and delivered an agile,
innovative and flexible solution, fully integrated and aligned with the commercial objectives of both entities – thus responding to the business needs
of Infosistema’s clients, inserted in an increasingly larger, increasingly competitive and constantly evolving financial market.
One of the challenges was the dual integration into core systems of both the Insurance and Banking institutions.
Another challenge was the testing phase, since different systems and institutions are involved.
The implementation of the auto insurance sales process allowed the Bank benefits:
The implementation of the auto insurance sales process allowed the Insurer benefits: