Infosistema Technological Seminars at IST
Seminar Series – IT trend and evolution nowadays

On May 13 Gonçalo Caeiro launched a series of technological seminars at IST promoted by Infosistema for students of the Instituto Superior Técnico.
“Do you program to Scale Horizontally? (Scale Out vs Scale Up)” – was the opening seminar of this series of 6 annual seminars aimed at elucidating students of IST about IT trends and evolution in today’s world.
Today, companies continue to give priority to in-house applications instead of IaaS systems in the Cloud. The same applies to several Cloud projects that are not natively designed to operate in Scale Out environments. The seminar addressed the necessary guidelines to avoid the need to redesign projects when they begin to succeed.
The student’s feedback was quite positive. Students’ curiosity about the next seminar was aroused. It will be on May 21 and it will adressed the theme: “Do you know what SDS is? – Software Defined Storage? The ongoing disruption in the IT industry”.